Mixed Martial Arts in York

MMA  -  Muay Thai  -  Brazilian Jiu Jitsu  -  Boxing  -  Freestyle Wrestling  -  Karate - Self Defence



We offer Private Coaching and Group Classes in the 4 Major Martial Arts that Comprise MMA!

We can cater to ALL ability levels to provide fun and effective training!

Our number one Priority is a safe and welcoming club environment, and we're very proud of the community we have created.

Prestige Awards Yorkshire Martial Arts School of the Year

Martial Arts School of the Year

Book a Class from the Schedule below:

Head Coach Dust with Upper Belts Matt and PJ

PJ - Dust - Matt

Our Philosophy

We believe that Martial Arts Training should be fun and accessible for everyone, and we pride ourselves on the friendly community we've established as a club. Every single member is welcomed with open arms and treated with respect!

We do not push anyone to compete and fight, nor do we deter anyone from doing so! Everyone's reasoning for pursuing martial arts differs, and we respect everyone's dedication to learning regardless of their motivation.

MMA Class during Sparring

MMA Class

Our Members

We ensure that every member, new or old, will receive their fair share of tuition from experienced coaches, and everyone will make fantastic progress no matter their ability. No prior experience necessary!

Our Club is truly a members' club, as we pride ourselves on our excellent community and atmosphere. You will be welcomed with open arms by our amazing members.


We are currently located at:

Yorvale Business Park, Hazel Court, York, 

YO10 3DR.

If you're having trouble finding us, don't hesitate to get in touch!

DNA Gym, Yorvale Business Park, Hazel Court, York, YO10 3DR
